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- Published on Saturday, 07 March 2015 06:51
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The Sanskrit literature is one of the richest in the world. Recent studies have shown that it is the most computers friendly. Sanskrit is more scientific and phonetic language. Today, the scientific literature in Sanskrit available to us is vast and varied, covering subjects as diverse as Alchemy and Mathematics - Metallurgy, Gemmology and Zoology and many more. Sanskrit language, with an incomparable store of knowledge and Science carries with itself a legacy of Indian tradition, is at the genesis of our well-developed nation.
Today the quest for learning Sanskrit world over witnesses a revival. Assessing the inevitability of Sanskrit education and promoting Vedic studies on traditional lines in Gujarat state, our Former Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi decided to establish Sanskrit University in Gujarat. Our visionary leadership committed to provide the facility of imparting knowledge of Sanskrit and therefore, established Shree Somnath Sanskrit University at Veraval, District - Gir Somnath, Gujarat.
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अस्माकंसिद्धान्तः - "पूर्णतागौरवाय"
'पूर्णतागौरवाय' इतिविश्वविद्यालयस्यसिद्धान्तवाक्यंमहाकवेःकालिदासस्यकृतेःमेघदूतात्स्वीकृतम्।वाक्यमेतत्पूर्णतांश्रेष्ठतांचप्राप्तुंप्रेरयति, विश्वविद्यालयस्यस्थापनायांकारणभूतम्आदर्शम्, उद्देश्यंचसुस्पष्टतयाअभिव्यनक्ति।
Our Motto – PūrņatāGauravāya
The motto of the University is chosen from Sanskrit Poet Kālidāsa’s famous work Meghdūtam. It explicitly focuses on the attainment of completeness and excellence. It also speaks of the vision and idealism for which the University is established.
सर्वाःसंस्थाःगुणवत्तायांश्रेष्टतायैस्पर्धन्ते।श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयःततःभिन्नःनास्ति।वर्तमानस्यभविष्यतश्चअत्यधिकस्पर्धायुतेजगतिप्रतिष्ठाप्राप्तयेविश्वविद्यालयःगुणवत्तामेवआश्रयते।गुणवत्ताकाचित्यात्रा, नतुगन्तव्यस्थानंकिञ्चित्।
Our Mission
Excellence in quality is the need of any organization and Shree Somnath Sanskrit University is no exception. To survive in the competitive world of today and tomorrow, we focus on quality. Quality is a journey, not the destination.
Core Value
श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयस्य प्रधानमूल्यानि
पूर्णता गौरवाय इति ध्येयमनुसृत्य श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयस्य प्रधानमूल्यानि मार्गदर्शकतत्त्वानि भवन्ति तेभ्यः काले काले सुचारु मार्गदर्शनं लभ्यते ।
- सर्वत्र संस्कृतमयता-विश्वविद्यालयः सर्वविधव्यवहारे सर्वविधक्रियाकलापे च संस्कृतमयताम् आश्रयते । विश्वविद्यालयस्य शैक्षणिकक्रियाकलापेषु विविधेषु च कार्यक्रमेषु संस्कृतमयतानिमित्तं विशिष्टाः उपक्रमाः विधीयन्ते । विश्वविद्यालयस्य प्राशासनिकक्रियाकलापेषु संस्कृतमयता-अन्वयार्थं विविधाः उपक्रमाः सञ्चाल्यमानाः भवन्ति । संस्कृतविश्वविद्यालये सर्वत्र सस्कृतमयता स्यात् इति लक्ष्यं स्वीकृत्य विश्वविद्यालयोऽयं समीपवर्तिक्षेत्रेषु, गीरसोमनाथजनपदेषु तथा च समग्रेषु राज्येषु संस्कृतवायुमण्डलनिर्माणार्थं सततं यतमानो वर्तते ।
- गुणवत्तायुक्तग्रन्थप्रकाशनम्- विश्वविद्यालयः गुणवत्तायुक्तसर्जनात्मकसाहित्यस्य सततं प्रकाशनम् करोति । प्रादेशिकभाषागतगद्यग्रन्थानां संस्कृतेन अनुवादः, उत्तमशोधप्रबन्धानां समीक्षां कृत्वा प्रकाशनम्, उत्तमानां शास्त्रीयग्रन्थानां विमर्शात्मकग्रन्थानां सन्दर्भग्रन्थानां च प्रकाशनम्, शास्त्रीयग्रन्थानां सरलमानकसंस्कृतेन अनुवादः, अप्रकाशितानां पाण्डुलिपिग्रन्थानां प्रकाशनम्, प्रकाशनगुणवत्तावर्धनाय विविधानां कार्यशालानां समये समये आयोजनं प्रशिक्षणं च, दुर्लभग्रन्थानाम् अप्राप्यग्रन्थानां च पुनःप्रकाशनं विदधाति । विश्वविद्यालयोऽयम् अध्यापकानां छात्राणां च स्तरवर्धनाय वाक्यार्थपरिषदः वाग्वर्धिन्याश्च समायोजनं कृत्वा शास्त्रीयलेखानां संशोधनानाञ्च प्रकाशनं करोति ।
- छात्राणां सर्वाङ्गीणविकासः - विश्वविद्यालयः शास्त्रद्वारा छात्राणां सर्वाङ्गीणविकासाय नैकान् प्रयत्नान् विदधाति ।शास्त्रविकासस्यध्येयम्उररीकृत्यविश्वविद्यालयोऽयं प्रवर्तते । शास्त्रस्यप्रचारःप्रसारश्च कथंभवेत्तदर्थंस्वकीयंश्रेष्ठंकौशलंविश्वविद्यालयः प्रदर्शयति । विश्वविद्यालयस्य केन्द्रस्थाने छात्रः वर्तते । अतः तस्य क्रीडाव्यायामयोगासनादिद्वारा शारीरिकाय, शास्त्राध्ययनद्वारा बौद्धिकाय, स्वच्छसुन्दरशान्तवातावरणद्वारा मानसिकाय, सरलमानकसंस्कृतसम्भाषणद्वारा भाषिकायेति सर्वङ्गीणविकासाय विश्वविद्यालयोऽयं निरन्तरं यतमानो वर्तते ।
- योग्यनागरिकनिर्माणम् - सुराष्ट्रनिर्माणाय योग्यनागरिकनिर्माणं महत्त्वं भजते । तदर्थं विश्वविद्यालयस्य पाठ्यक्रमाः सर्वे क्रियाकलापाः नैतिकमूल्यान्विताः भवन्ति । राष्ट्रभक्तिजागरणाय देशहिताय देशदायित्वनिर्वहणाय संस्कारविकासाय च विश्वविद्यालयः सर्वमूल्यसमावेशकनीतिं परिपालयति ।
- व्यावसायिकशिक्षणेन सह पारम्परिकशिक्षणस्य अन्वयः- विश्वविद्यालयः छात्राणाम् उद्योगप्राप्तिसामर्थ्यविवर्धनाय संस्कृतभाषासाहित्येषु विद्यमानं विज्ञानं, दर्शनं, वैश्विकमूल्यानि इत्यादिकस्य परिपोषणार्थं परिव्याप्त्यर्थं पुनरुज्जीवनार्थं च प्राचीनभारतीयविज्ञानेन सह आधुनिकवैज्ञानिकचिन्तनस्य समन्वयं विदधाति ।
- गुणवत्तायुक्तं रुचिकरं नवाचारयुक्तं शिक्षणम्- वर्तमानस्य भविष्यतः च अत्यधिकस्पर्धायुते जगति प्रतिष्ठाप्राप्तये विश्वविद्यालयः गुणवत्तामेव आश्रयते । गुणवत्ता अस्माकं काचिद् यात्रा, न तु गन्तव्यस्थानं किञ्चित् इति ध्येयमनुसृत्य छात्राणां ज्ञानसंवर्धनाय, कौशलविकासाय, उद्योगप्राप्तये, वैयक्तिकाभिवृद्धये, नेतृत्वविकासाय, सामाजिकदायित्वनिर्वहणाय च गुणवत्तायुक्तं रुचिकरं नवाचारयुक्तं शिक्षणं प्रददाति ।
- समाजाय योगदानम्- विश्वविद्यालयः अनुसन्धान-सहयोग-बहिर्मुखकार्यक्रमैः सुस्थिरविकासाय सामोद-स्वस्थ-सर्वसमावेशितसमाजं प्रोन्नयति । सफलसामाजिकक्रियासु आत्मानं व्यापारयितुं सर्वविधभेदभावान् विरुध्य नैतिकपक्षेऽवस्थातुं च प्रेरयति ।
- भाविलक्ष्यानि- विश्वविद्यालयः मानविकविषयाणां सामाजिकशास्त्रविषयाणां विशिष्य संस्कृताध्ययनस्य विश्वप्रशस्तशैक्षिकसंस्थारूपेण उद्वाहनं करोति । विश्वविद्यालयः संस्कृतं न केवलं भाषारूपेण न पश्यति अपि तु उत्तमनागरिकनिर्माणाय संस्कृतं काचित् अन्यतमा विशिष्टा जीवनशैली इति स्वीकृत्य मानवजीवनसाफल्यार्थं नितरां प्रयत्नरतः भवति ।
Following Core-Values derived from the mission-motto- पूर्णता गौरवाय = meant “Consummation for glory” of Shree Somnath Sanskrit University always gives motivation for qualitative performance:
· Creation of Sanskrit atmosphere –
Shree Somnath Sanskrit University vibrates with an atmosphere of Sanskrit on its pious premise. For that purpose some notable programs related to academic and administrative work in Sanskrit are formulated and executed time to time to train the staff to work in Sanskrit language. Also the University tries to make them efficient in Sanskrit conversation and to use easy Sanskrit sentences in their daily routine works. In this very mission and vision the University reaches out the neighboring localities to create a vibration of Sanskrit atmosphere in the light of its mission and vision. Apart from that the University, in this very mission tries its best to make Sanskrit popular in Gujarat State through its various programs such as Sanskrit Shivira.
Qualitative Publication –
Shree Somnath Sanskrit University, Veraval pays serious attention on the qualitative publication of translated works in Sanskrit; qualitatively approved Research works by subject experts, books on critically edited scriptural literature, unpublished manuscripts along with the publication of rare books. To have the objective fruitful the University organizes work-shop and other allied programs to train the students and staff of the University. Also to generate an instinctive impression in youth brigade of Sanskrit language and literature – the faculties of the University conduct Seminars, Vākyārtha-parishad and Vāg-vardhini Sabha etc.
· Holistic Development of Students –
Keeping the students in centric part of all activities Shree Somnath Sanskrit University is aware of the holistic development of them. Majorly the programs of holistic developments for students stream out into academic development, skill development and physical-mental development. To touch the objective milestone the University forms various programs to make students much more authentic in their adopted subjects of study and the like; such as skill development in proof reading, editing of manuscripts, translation works etc. Also through the creative Sanskrit works the University tries its best to make them ambassadors of Sanskrit language, literature and Indian Culture.
Through the way of Yoga-training and Sport management the University assures the mental and physical health development of students of the University.
· Ideal Citizen production –
It is an unavoidable fact that best image of a Nation becomes based on the best time needed citizen production. For that purpose, subjects of studies and moral values teemed curriculum of Sanskrit studies is formed. To create consciousness about National betterment, National responsibility together with sanskār development in students, the University works on the principle of all value inclusive syllabus up-gradation and its implementation.
· Coherence between Vocational & Conventional subjects of study –
To make students much more efficient for Vocational Shree Somnath Sanskrit University locates and gathers the scientific, philosophical and the value-oriented portions glittering in Sanskrit scriptures and literature to incorporate in its ensuing curriculum for the betterment of course of study materials of the conventional Sanskrit study in the direction of modern scientific thoughts. By this way University endeavors to minimize the gulf between conventional Sanskrit-scriptural science and modern approach to the natural science with the establishment of an interlinked iota related to both mentioned above.
· Promotion of new qualitative interesting subject of study –
To meet the challenges of modern scientific and of entrepreneurial activities along with the forthcoming challenges verged on competitive enterprise, the University generates suitable condition on its premise through the introducing of new thrusting areas of skill development for students and social leadership understanding development to take variegated social responsibilities. Quality is a journey, not the destination: This very qualitative and ambitious teaching-learning culture on the premise of the University shows the journey of constant development to reach out its mission’s end.
· Social Contribution –
Through the way of qualitative multidisciplinary research works and social activities Shree Somnath Sanskrit University tries to uplift our inclusive society and inspires people to stand firmly on the path of moral values effacing the feelings of disparity and discriminating elements in their practical life and teaches people for active participation in social works to achieve the National Common goal of peace and prosperity.
· Future Academic Agenda –
The future academic plan of the University will be incorporating some more discipline of study in its curriculum related with social study and the subjects of Humanities with above mentioned course of study related to scriptural science and the like, to make students much more qualified and filled with the practical knowledge of society. The University sees Sanskrit language and literature more than the simply literary color of study and finds its color relation with the Human life system.
- संस्कृतभाषायाःसाहित्यस्यचविस्तृताप्रगतिः, अवबोधनं, विकासश्च।
- आधुनिकप्रवाहेणसहसमन्वयंसाधयित्वावैदिकज्ञानस्यपरम्परागतरूपशिक्षायाःचदार्ढ्यंप्रोत्साहनञ्चसम्पादनीयम्।
- योग्यनागरितनिर्माणद्वाराराष्ट्रनिर्माणम्।
- ज्ञानपरम्परायाःमहत्तमःउपयोगः।
- बालिकानां, समाजस्यउपेक्षितवर्गाणांचकृतेसहजप्रवेशप्रबन्धः।
- गुणवत्तायुक्तशिक्षाप्रदानेनसंस्कृतशिक्षणस्यउत्तमोत्तमसौविध्यप्रदानपूर्वकंविश्वविद्यालयःउत्तमाजीविकायाःअवसरंकिञ्चनूतनस्पर्धाह्वानस्यसम्मुखीकरणंतथाचउत्तमोत्तमसंशोधनकार्यंलक्ष्यीकरोति।
- व्यावसायिकशिक्षणपाठ्यक्रमाणाम्आयोजनंकिञ्चआधुनिकविज्ञानेनसहतेषाम्अन्वयः।
Our Target
- Widespread progress, growth & development of Sanskrit language & literature.
- To strengthen and encourage Vedic knowledge & traditional learning keeping pace with modern trends.
- Nation building through producing perfect citizens.
- Developing Knowledge Community.
- Optimum use of Technology.
- Easy access for girls and weaker section.
- Through the medium of quality education, the University aims to generate employment opportunities to meet new challenges, to give importance to research work, providing facilities for the study of Sanskrit.
- To introduce professional courses and to integrate them with modern Science.
University Act.
Download: University Act
Contact Us
Shree Somnath Sanskrit University
Rajendra Bhuvan Road, Near Birla Temple
Veraval-362266, Dist.-Gir Somnath
Gujarat (India)
Ph.No. 02876-244532
Website : www.sssu.ac.in
Contact Detail of the all Department : Click here
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